The clever consumer quiz.
Take our quick quiz about shopping, and find out if you are
a clever consumer.
Question 1: You try
on some brilliant shoes in a shop but when you go home they don't go with your
new dress. Do you...
a. Bring them back and demand a refund?
b. Admit that you have no rights?
c. Dye them blue?
Question 2: You
return an MP3 player because it's faulty. But the shop insists on the receipt,
which you've lost at Donna's party. Do you...
a. Take Donna to court?
b. Show the shop your credit card statement as proof of
c. Give up because you always have to have a receipt for a
Question 3: Your
deadly new T-shirt shrinks in the washing machine. The care instructions say
"Hand-wash only". Are you entitled to...
a. A full refund from the shop
b. A replacement T-shirt from the manufacturer
c. Nothing, but you could tell your friends that tight
distorted T-shirts are all the rage
Question 4: Your
neighbour sells you his car. He describes it as "a bit of a crock".
Two days later its radiator blows up. Do you...
a. Sue him?
b. Insist that he pays for the repairs because that's your
c. Do nothing because he did mention it was a crock?
Question 5: Your
friend gave you a lovely big gift voucher for your birthday, and then you lost it
on the bus. Do you...
a. Give up?
b. Ask the shop for a refund?
c. Ask your mate for a refund?
Question 6: You put
some food in your shopping trolley, but at the checkout they say it's much
dearer than the price on the shelf label. Do you...
a. Insist on the lower price?
b. Pay the higher price because you have to, now that you're
at the till?
c. Warn the shop they may be breaking the law?
Question 7: That
flash coat from the January sales isn't so flash any more. There's a dent where
the security tag used to be. The shop told you at the time, but it seems worse
now. Do you...
a. Take it back and look for a full refund?
b. Give in because you've no case?
c. Bring it back and ask for a swap?
Question 8: The shop
shows a sample roll of wallpaper, and you buy five more. But they turn out to
be a different pattern. When you bring them back, they say "Tough - you
knew what you were buying." Do you ask for...
a. The rolls to be replaced?
b. €3,000 in compensation for your time and trouble?
c. Nothing, because the saleswoman is right?
Question 9: You take
your "great bargain" gadget out of the box when you get home from the
sales. But it doesn't work. The sales assistant points to signs saying
"Strictly no refunds". Do you...
a. Go away empty handed?
b. Demand a refund anyway - and complain to the National Consumer Agency?
c. Call the Gardaí?
b. Demand a refund anyway - and complain to the National Consumer Agency?
c. Call the Gardaí?
Question 10: You buy
a jumper but a day later you notice the sleeve is torn. When you bring it back,
the shop has no more jumpers in your size. They offer a refund, but only at a
lower price because the sales are on. Do you...
a Accept the lower price?
b. Refuse to take the lower amount, as the jumper is faulty?
c. Accept another jumper that you don't like?
b. Refuse to take the lower amount, as the jumper is faulty?
c. Accept another jumper that you don't like?
Question 11: You plug
in your new kettle and it doesn't work. You return it to the shop and ask for a
refund. They say they only give credit notes. Do you...
a. Say fair enough, take the credit note and spend it in the
b. Complain to the International Kettle Manufacturers' Association?
c. Insist that the shop gives a refund?
b. Complain to the International Kettle Manufacturers' Association?
c. Insist that the shop gives a refund?
Question 12: You've
brought a faulty item back to the store, and the shop assistant says:
"Only my supervisor is authorised to deal with complaints or refunds, and
she's in a meeting." Do you...
a. Say "no problem" and come back later?
b. Forget about the whole thing?
c. Insist that someone else must have been left in charge and ask to see that person instead?
b. Forget about the whole thing?
c. Insist that someone else must have been left in charge and ask to see that person instead?
Question 13: You
return your new mobile phone to the shop because it's faulty, and ask for a
replacement or refund. They say it's "water damaged", unrepairable,
and your fault. But it hasn't worked since it came out of its box. Do You...
a. Decide to take further action
b. Say "fine", and walk away
c. Shout and stamp your feet a lot
Question 14: You are
fed up with getting "cold calls" to your land line from companies
trying to sell you stuff you don't want. What do you do?
a. Ask them not to call you again, and contact your
telephone company
b. Contact ComReg - the Commission for Communications Regulations
c. Put the phone off the hook.
b. Contact ComReg - the Commission for Communications Regulations
c. Put the phone off the hook.
Question 15: You give
a friend a vacuum cleaner as a wedding present. But it's faulty. Who should
bring it back to the shop?
a. Your friend
b. You
c. The mother-in-law
b. You
c. The mother-in-law
Question 16: You
arrive at check-in on time for your flight but the airline says it's overbooked
and they can't give you an alternative flight that day. Should you complain
there and then?
a. No. Why bother, it's a low-cost flight?
b. No, wait till you get home - then complain in writing
c. Yes, but you are entitled to a refund and compensation of €250 for denied boarding
b. No, wait till you get home - then complain in writing
c. Yes, but you are entitled to a refund and compensation of €250 for denied boarding
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