Notes and Worksheets

Consumers buy goods and services for their own personal use from someone whose business it is to sell goods and services.

A brand name is a unique name given to a product to distinguish it from similar products made by other companies.
Guidelines for the wise consumer:
1. Do you need it?
2. Can you afford it?
3. Is it value for money?
4. Have you checked the prices elsewhere?
5. Get proof of purchase(a receipt) and keep it safely.

Consumer Laws:

The Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980.

The Consumer Information Act 1978

This Act prohibits:
1. False or misleading descriptions, price, quality of goods or services.
2. Price Lists must be available for the consumer to see.
3. False or misleading advertisments of goods/services

The Consumer Information Act 1978 protects consumers against misleading advertising which may be to do with goods, price, quality or service. The Director of Consumer Affairs makes sure that this act is carried out.

Consumer Protection Act 2007:

Click Here: Consumer Protection Act 2007 Notes for notes on the Consumer Protection Act.
If a consumer has a valid complaint, they are entitled to one of the “Three Rs”:
  • Refund
  • Replacement 
  • Repair

Writing a letter of complaint:

Please find the notes attached as to how to write a letter of complaint:

There is an 8-step procedure to follow when making a complaint about a faulty good.

Step 1 - Identify the problem
Step 2 - Go to the seller and tell them what you want
Step 3 - Put your complaint in writing and send your receipt
Step 4 - Contact relevant trade organization
Step 5 - Contact Consumer Agency or Ombudsman
Step 6 - Bring seller to Small Claims Court
Step 7 - Compensation
Step 8 - Satisfied Consumer
Keep a copy of all the transactions that occur between you and the seller and a copy of any letters that were sent.

A guarantee or warranty is a written undertaking that the manufacturer, or somebody appointed by the manufacturer, will repair or replace an item within a stated period of time after the purchase date.

Consumer Organisations- the following are organisations which can help the consumer in the case of disputes:
1. The Small Claims Court
2. The Consumers' Association of Ireland
3. The State Ombudsman
4. The Financial Services Ombudsman
5. The Insurance Ombudsman


Revision Worksheets based on the Consumer:

Click Here for: Revision Sheet 1

Click Here for: Revision Sheet 2

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